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Sunny Connections Community Interest Company  was established in June 2023 to enable us to deliver funded anxiety management programmes to members within our local community and beyond.


In March 2024 we were delighted to be awarded a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund to provide funded programmes and workshops to the community.  We are very grateful to the National Lottery and National Lottery Players for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference to participants of all ages.

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Reviews from Sunny Connections
STILL Method
Children's Resilience Clubs in 2023/2024

"My daughter had been going through a difficult time emotionally and was struggling with anxiety.  I saw the resilience programme advertised through school and signed up.  My daughter was a little shy at first and alittle reluctant to engage at times, but Kate met my daughter where she was at in her emotional space and helped her access the STILL Method in a way that worked well for my daughter.  At the end of the course my daughter was able to identify the emotional states that had left her anxious and use the toolkit of techniques she was taught to bring herself out of emotional crisis.  Kate is so kind and caring and it really shows in her work, my daughter felt valued and was well supported throughout.  It really has made a difference. 

Thank you"



"I would recommend Kate and Anxiety Coaching to others.  Very positive experience for both parent and child.  My son has been able to learn new techniques to help when he is feeling sad and frustrated which has also helped at home and school."



"Our daughter really looked forward to Resilience Club every week and grew from hiding behind me at the first session to telling me about her week to the group in a relatively short time.  She is using some of the methods herself or sometimes needs a reminder of the things she learned and then uses that to help her deal with emotions.  She is keen to talk about emotions and we often have a chat before bed about the day and what was good about it.  She also now started telling me directly if something happened at school that she didn't like rather than hiding in her room or getting angry.  


Thank you so much for the weeks we had together.''




"I'm so grateful to Kate for sharing her knowledge and encourage children and their parents to obtain self-help tools and techniques to be able to improve their lives.  It's hard to believe that little steps can make such a big difference.  Thank you for all these insights and life-hacks!

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